Core Values
1. Gospel Centered: We believe that the gospel is the central message of all the Scriptures therefore it is the most important message we could teach, preach, Proclaim, articulate, and defend. [1 Corinthians 15:1-4]
2. Faithful Prayer: While it is the job of some to plant and some to water, we recognize at Persian Christian Fellowship that it is only God who can give the growth. [1 Corinthians 3:1-9] We recognize that any fruit produced from the toil of Our hands comes to be not as the result of our intense effort alone but by movement of the Holy Spirit. Consequently everything we do must be under girded with Dependence upon God to do what only He is able to do.
3. Missional Living: We believe that in the same fashion that Jesus was sent into the world, the followers of Jesus are sent into the world. Jesus was sent with a mission: to seek and save the lost bringing about the restoration of the way things are supposed to be. So we are sent with the same mission. [John 20:19-23]
4. Expositional Preaching: We believe that the Bible is the inspired & inerrant Word of God and is useful to bring about transformation in the lives of those who submit themselves to its authority in humble obedience. [2 Timothy 3:16] We believe the whole Bible has something to say to the church today and as a result we will commit ourselves to the faithful exposition of Scripture.
5. Transformational Community: We believe that the church should function like a family who brings the Scriptures to bear upon each other’s lives to accomplish the purposes of teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training [Colossians 3:12-16] while they compassionately lay down their lives to care for one another.