Our Vision
Our vision is to lead Persians to receive salvation, healing, freedom and live a victorious life to fulfill.
1. Redemption: At Persian Christian Fellowship we believe that a church that is faithful to the great commission will have a redemptive presence in their city.
• We envision this redemptive presence starting with the church being a place where God is worshipped, loved, served, and obeyed. We envision a Church that lives as a “counter cultural city within the city” where God is honored, people are loved, and everything that is saturated in the Scriptures and dripping with the good news of the gospel.
• We envision non-Christians coming to faith in Jesus, being baptized and becoming disciples of Jesus. We envision the Holy Spirit awakening nominal Christians to the glory of God and them setting roots deep in the life of a church where they would be taught to order their everyday lives around the Teaching and mission of Jesus.
• We envision a church where lives that have been broken by sin are put back together by the grace and power of God through the gospel and in the context community. We envision marriages being healed, prodigals returning Home, and relationships being reconciled. We envision health and wholeness in the lives of people who once only knew pain & dysfunction.
2. Multiplication: At Persian Christian Fellowship we believe that any church that is being faithful to Jesus’ commission will be a church that is aiming to multiply itself.
• We believe this multiplication takes place first at the micro level as we aim to multiply Life Groups throughout neighborhoods.
3. Helping others: We are eager to see lives are being saved and people step in victory. We want people to experience healing in every aspect of their lives such as: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, and socially. Our purpose is to see people are enjoying their lives to the fullest.
4. Excellence and perfection: our vision is to reach perfection. We serve Lord, and he deserves perfect and the best individuals to supervise over his serviced. We devoted ourselves to honesty, honor, compassion, and perfection.
5. Love: “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another”. (John 13:34-35)